How to collect Scancentral packaging and start scan logs
1). Please run the command again but this time in debug mode:
scancentral -debug package ....
Note: this command will vary depending on the code language.
2). Please collect scancentral client log from the machine you run this command (the one from the machine where you kick off the scan ("scancentral start" action). If possible it is better to run scancentral with debug mode (scancentral -debug package ...)
Viewing ScanCentral Logs
To retrieve the ScanCentral Controller log, navigate to <controller_dir>\tomcat\logs\scancentralCtrl.log.
To view the ScanCentral client and sensor logs on a Windows system:
- Navigate to %FORTIFY_HOME%\scancentral-<version>\log, where %FORTIFY_HOME% is %LOCALAPPDATA%\Fortify.
On Windows 10, for example, the location is
- To retrieve the ScanCentral SAST log on a Linux system, navigate to
Please attach the logs to the support ticket.