Initial information needed for troubleshooting Fortify Hosted ScanCentral SAST Assessment Azure Dev Ops scan job issues.
Please provide the following information for initial analysis:
1). The user that logs in to Azure DevOps pipeline to run the scan.
2). The token string being used to run the scan and the username that created that token in SSC.
3). The full Azure Dev Ops pipeline log of the job that fails.
4). The date time when that user runs the scan.
5). The whole script used in Azure Dev Ops pipeline.
6). Software Language and version getting scanned.
7). Did it work before?
8). Please provide the before the scan happens for further investigation.
9). What is the Fortify ScanCentral SAST Assessment plug-in version?
10). Scan Job token, if available.
11). From SSC ScanCentral SAST, please check and provide the sensor name for the SAST Job token in question, if available.
Note: Information about how to collect Azure DevOps pipeline job logs and the script being used, please check the following guide:
How to collect Fortify Hosted ScanCentral SAST Assessment Azure Dev Ops Agent job log and YAML file